If you want to sell your copywriting services for maximum income, respect, success, achievement, and even client success…

Here’s a hint: you don’t really want to sell “copywriting.”

I’ve said this again and again.  And yet I see the mistake keep popping up.

You can’t focus on the deliverables of copy in selling your copywriting services.

There’s something bigger and more important.

When you sell your copywriting services the right way, everything becomes easier…

Clients find it easier to say yes.  You get more projects.

Your projects do better, achieving better results.

You get more accolades and income.

Your real and perceived value keeps increasing.

Which makes it easier to get clients.

It’s a virtuous feedback cycle — which starts by applying today’s lesson.

Discover how to sell your copywriting services — plus the big mistake to avoid — in today’s episode.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Links related to this episode:

Get The Copywriter’s Guide to Getting Paid book

The Copywriter’s Roadmap To Building A Core Offer

The Client-Getting Blueprint

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