Those who pay, pay attention… [why invest in yourself]

I spent years not getting the success I wanted… Seriously — I discovered copywriting in 2005… I KNEW that I wanted to work in my own business, as a freelance copywriter and independent consultant… I even told my boss before he hired me that I saw THAT as my destiny —...

Who to connect with when cold pitching?

Want to get hired as a copywriter or marketer? You have to connect to the right person at each company — but who is that? This subscriber wants to know, too… Today’s question: — Roy, Who do you recommend I connect with when cold emailing? So often the businesses only...

Belief Shifting [how to make sales]

Here’s a simple idea that can make you HUGELY more successful in marketing and selling… I call it belief-shifting… Basically, there are beliefs that are stopping your prospects from buying… And there are beliefs that, if they held them, would virtually guarantee your...

The Death of Retargeting [important!]

Apple went to war with Facebook, now Google’s waving the surrender flag… And within the next 12 months, everything we know about how to create successful advertising online is going to change dramatically. You’ve probably heard about Apple killing the Facebook pixel...
Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash

Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash

Your business needs cash flowing through it to survive… Just like your body needs blood flowing through it. In either case, when the flow stops, it could easily mean death. Yeah, this is a bit of a side topic from my normal daily content on marketing, copywriting, and...
Shortcut to Expert Status [Russell Brunson, Expert Secrets]

Shortcut to Expert Status [Russell Brunson, Expert Secrets]

You will make more money if you are seen as an expert… In fact, everything about your business becomes easier… It’s easier to get clients… To charge high fees… To be welcomed into the in-group in your industry… And so on. The more perceived expertise you have, the...
Copywriting: Where to find NEW Big Ideas?

Copywriting: Where to find NEW Big Ideas?

Your best prospect just swiped right past your ad… Seriously, you spend WEEKS, MONTHS writing the sales letter… And you spent HOURS crafting an ad to get their attention, and bring them in. But because you used another “me-too” swiped headline formula… Their...