This Could DOUBLE Your Client Lifetime Value

We doubled the value of each customer — and then we did it again! In a coaching call yesterday, I was reminded of a story. It came from the IT training business I worked for, before launching my business. We used a really simple idea to double our client value — and...
The profit power in a high-ticket offer…

The profit power in a high-ticket offer…

First: Have you grabbed your FREE ticket to the Make Email Great Again convention yet?  I’m featured on a panel of 15 copywriters and email marketing experts.  Sharing our best tips on how to make maximum money in minimum time from your (or your client’s) email list....
Finding clients through social media…

Finding clients through social media…

Here’s what you need to know if you want to get clients… It doesn’t really matter where they are…  If you don’t have the system in place to get them. What I’ll share with you today should — if you pay attention — reshape the way you go about getting clients. And with...