When I put on my first webinar campaign, it generated over $400,000 in revenue in a couple weeks…
This wasn’t the biggest promotion this client had run. (I’d written that one a few months earlier). But it was well above average for this small financial publisher.
Most of the marketing they were doing was one-shot. It wasn’t making huge waves. They’d launch a new promo (in text form, before VSLs were big). Send a few emails out. And hopefully it would generate some sales.
But it wasn’t really working.
So I brought a webinar campaign to them. I told them exactly what it needed to contain. Not the webinar content. All the marketing around the content. (They were real sticklers for editorial content and would only let me guide a CTA at the end toward my sales message).
There were something like 28 moving pieces. Emails, registration pages, sales letters, order forms, etc.
I directed it all — and wrote most of it.
When the day of the webinar rolled around, we crashed their servers. Not in an internet marketing, “oops we crashed the servers” way. Rather, we had a great video streaming platform but didn’t account for what loading the tiny html file that embedded the video would do, if you did it 10,000 times at once.
Some people didn’t even get on until halfway through. Others didn’t even get on at all and had to only watch the replay. Some were furious with us because they’d carved the time out of their day (sorry!).
All in, it was a raging success…
In fact, this client went on to run these over and over again. Using my blueprint — my campaign maps. And following my recommendations for what each element of copy needed to say, and why.
It became their default marketing approach, for long after I wasn’t working with them anymore.
And while not every one of these webinars was a huge success, they absolutely increased their average campaign results.
Not only that, the company was soon sold to a much larger financial publisher, for a sum that was likely quite a bit bigger because of the success of my webinar campaign formula.
I’m thinking about this a lot — because I’m in the thick of developing my next BTMSinsiders training, on Webinars That Sell…
This isn’t an official announcement, and there’s nowhere you can go to buy it yet. (The announcement will come out via Breakthrough Marketing Secrets).
But here’s what I can tell you.
Most people think the webinar is the most important part of a successful webinar campaign.
But that first campaign I ran proved you don’t have to have a well-crafted sales message in your webinar — in fact, your webinar can be 95% content and still generate $100,000s in sales.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t make your webinar sell — it actually works even better if you do.
But there’s so much that goes on OUTSIDE of the webinar that makes such a huge difference, you absolutely don’t want to ignore it.
Here’s one critical lesson: You have to pay attention to what your customer or prospect knows (and doesn’t know) at every point in the process…
One of the biggest rookie mistakes you can make in doing a webinar campaign is to tell (or telegraph) to your prospect that they’re about to be sold.
Some people will show up for a sales pitch. But it’s not nearly as many as will show up for something they perceive as being pure value.
If you really want to get maximum attendance to your webinar — and attention through it and on your sales message that follows — you should NOT talk about the product or sales pitch at all, in any communication leading up to the webinar.
Not, “We’re going to announce an exciting new product,” or anything like that.
Just make it about the value. About the content. About what they’re going to get in the webinar.
The emails to invite them? Make it about the valuable content.
The registration page? Again, about the content.
The registration confirmation page? Again, about the content.
All the emails to get them to attend? About the content, please.
If your customer doesn’t already know there’s going to be a pitch, don’t tell them! And don’t forget that they don’t know, either.
Promise the content that you’re going to deliver. (You should ultimately deliver it, too.)
Some will know there’s a pitch coming. Some won’t. But you’re best off waiting until you’re actually making the pitch to reveal that yes, indeed, this includes a pitch.
Most marketers don’t think from the prospect’s perspective…
And their marketing is worse off for it.
The more you pay attention to what your customer does (and doesn’t) know at every step of your campaign or selling message, the better it will perform.
That’s a big part of why my webinars work so well.
That’s a big part of what I’ll talk about in my upcoming training.
There will be some massive breakthroughs.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr