One of the reasons I like analyzing my own copy is that it gives me a new perspective on things I’ve done subconsciously that I may want to consciously repeat — because they work so well!
I’m working a bonus video for the Story Selling Master Class. In it, I walk through the sales letter for The Titans of Direct Response. (It’s one of two videos like this that I’m doing…)
And I realized something very interesting as part of this.
It’s the voice I use throughout the offer section of my promos — including this one.
One of the things I consistently try to do is put the marketer/spokesperson on the side of the prospect.
That is, through what’s said and how I say it, I turn the voice of the letter into a friend of the prospect.
(For those who’ve studied Jay Abraham’s Strategy of Preeminence, this is that in practice — I’m an advocate for and a champion of my prospect.)
Because I’m your friend, I want the best for you. I want to make sure you get incredible value. I want to make sure you get the best side of the deal.
If that’s the case, I’m going to stack things in your favor.
I’m going to throw in more value than maybe I should. Because that’s what you do for friends. I’m going to give you an incredible price on all of it, too. Again, because that’s what friends do.
I noticed I was doing this in the letter for The Titans of Direct Response.
Now, if you know Brian Kurtz at all, you’ll know he’s genuinely like this. He wants the best for YOU, and will go above and beyond to make sure you get it. (In fact, I try to pretty much only work with clients who share this attitude.)
But I could still have made a decision. I could use the no-personality approach, and list everything we were including for attendees of Titans… OR I could really embody Brian’s generous spirit, and present every little element of the offer as a reflection of all the world Brian and his team were doing on your behalf, to make Titans such an immensely valuable experience.
I chose the latter.
And so throughout, I used every bonus as an opportunity to talk about what great lengths we were going to in order to pile on the value.
Not to stroke our own ego. Not to just be superfluous in the presentation. But rather, because I, the prospect, want to believe that you’ve gone to great lengths to over-deliver on value.
(And to everyone who bought into that narrative at Titans, their experience proved it to be true.)
Now that I’ve seen the perceived value this creates, I’m going to be more intentional in doing it…
Sometimes, by the time I get to presenting an offer, I feel somewhat done with the message. I’ve made my point, now it’s just time to tell you what you get. That’s a mistake.
An offer has the opportunity to be so much more.
When you’ve taken the prospect’s side throughout the message, the offer is your final opportunity to really stand as their advocate, to be their champion.
It’s not just about making them feel like they’re getting a lot, to pile value onto the scale.
It’s about what’s best for them. You’ve made a big promise to them. You’ve promised an outcome that they’ll get, as a result of doing business with you. At this point, you’re not piling on value for value’s sake. You’re giving them extra resources to make the outcome more of a sure thing. To make it come faster and easier. You’re helping to push them over the finish line, through what you add. Because you sincerely believe that it’s in their best interests, and you want to make it as easy as possible for them to get everything you’ve promised, and then some.
When you take this perspective, it no longer feels like selling, persuading, or manipulating…
If you legitimately are in your prospect’s corner, and you’re speaking that through your language and messaging, they don’t feel like they’re being “sold to.”
I’ve had this happen before. A prospect actually feels apologetic for not buying. Because I’m actually speaking to their best interests, in what I’m selling and how I’m selling it to them. They apologize for not being able to accept my help, the offer I’m making.
This is ideal, because these people will come back. If not for your next offer, then at some point in the future.
This isn’t just about language tricks, although when you have the attitude right you can reverse-engineer the language.
This is about legitimately standing on the side of your prospect, and wanting the best for them.
They can sense it.
And it can create tremendous success.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr