Your words are POWERFUL…
Your choice of words is powerful.
Not just what you think you’re saying. But the layers of meaning hidden underneath.
This is critical in self-development. And I want to talk about that today. But it’s also critical in persuasion. So I want to start by giving you a few examples.
“What’s holding you back from buying right now?”
On the surface, that seems like a good sales question. It’s meant to elicit objections. To help you know what is stopping your prospect from placing an order.
But on a deeper level, it’s conveying a dangerous idea.
It’s conveying the idea that there SHOULD be something holding them back. If they know what it is, sure, maybe you can address it and move through to the sale.
But what if they don’t know what that thing is that should be holding them back? What if they don’t know the objections they should have?
They will feel under-informed. Like they don’t have all the info they need to make a smart decision. And then what? And then they don’t buy.
Even worse, they may feel dumb, and a deep sense of shame. Like you’re hiding something from them, and they aren’t smart enough to figure it out.
That’s even worse.
Because suddenly your sales pitch is a source of shame and the worst feelings in the pit of their stomach.
Sometimes not even fully consciously. But subconsciously, yes, they’re feeling it.
And with one question, you’ve set yourself up to NEVER close that sale.
What’s the alternative?
Well, your goal needs to be to help them orient in a positive, empowering direction. You need to convey the meaning that there’s a ton of reasons for going forward.
Will they still have objections? Perhaps. And they will bring them up if you do.
But your goal as you’re getting close to closing the deal is NOT to get them to start thinking about all the objections. Rather, your goal is to get them to start thinking of all the reasons moving forward is a good decision.
And you goal is to convey the idea — on some level — that they ARE moving forward.
And so you might say something like, “Out of everything we’ve talked about today, what do you believe will be the most useful parts TO YOU about what we offer?”
I had to make it generic, so it actually packs less punch than if you can work your own details in.
But the point is, it assumes they will have useful parts of their purchase. It assumes they will be unique to their needs, challenges, or problem. It assumes they’ll move forward with the purchase.
It leaves it open for them to make the final decision — and for them to bring up any objections.
But it doesn’t force either in a way that creates conflict. Instead, it empowers them to make the decision.
How about this?
“If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you’ll get a full refund.”
On the surface, it’s not terrible.
Because guaranteeing your offer is a powerful way to instill belief in the promises you’re making.
However, again, it slips in some negativity.
It plants the seed that they will not be satisfied.
What if you assumed satisfaction in the statement?
You could say, “You’ll be 100%, fully satisfied. You’ll have 90 days — three full months — to decide you’re fully satisfied, or your money back.”
Perhaps I’m picking nits.
But in thousands of words of copy, there are countless opportunities to choose the positive, empowering language. Or choose negative, dis-empowering language.
The more you make your prospect feel empowered and positive about the entire buying decision, the more you’ll support a positive disposition toward you and your offer.
This is more Instant Influence…
One of the core precepts of the book Instant Influence is that positive reinforcement creates persuasion.
Don’t ask why someone is not doing something.
Ask why they should do it.
They’ll convince themselves. You won’t have to convince them.
This is what makes this kind of empowering language so powerful.
Because you’re giving your audience, your prospect, the power and encouragement to follow their own path toward agreeing with you.
Applying this to self-talk and personal development…
The idea for this issue came out of an empowering question I wrote in my journal this morning…
“Why and how am I cultivating within me the exact qualities and attributes that help me be most happy and successful in all areas of my life?”
Now, you could ask this in a totally dis-empowering way. “Why can’t I find success? Why can’t I find happiness? Why don’t I have what it takes?”
Or you can ask it my way, and empower yourself…
“Why and how am I cultivating within me the exact qualities and attributes that help me be most happy and successful in all areas of my life?”
And then, don’t answer. Not directly. Get quiet, and let your subconscious turn the question over.
Let your subconscious look for reinforcement.
Let your subconscious bring you the answers, of all the ways you’re cultivating the exact qualities and attributes that help you be most happy and successful.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr