Even if you don’t consider yourself “a copywriter” this is a critically-important message.
Short of my earliest lessons introducing me to the fundamentals of “sales multiplied” direct response copywriting…
There’s one thing that’s had more impact than anything else on my ability to generate cold hard cash with my copy…
Having a top-level copywriter dig in, review your copy, and give you direct feedback for ways to improve can give you a quantum leap in your understanding of what makes for effective sales copy. And it’s a lesson that pays dividends on the next piece of sales copy you write, and the next, and the next.
(I still look back at some of my old projects, remember who recommended what changes, and notice how much stronger it made the copy… And then seek to apply the lesson to the copy I’m writing today.)
Most of the time, my mentorship has come from the jobs I’ve picked and the clients I worked for…
– Early on, my work with AWAI led me to getting on the phone with Mark Ford/Michael Masterson…
– Then I worked with a copywriter whose name you’d never recognize, but who has been responsible for over $5 billion in sales in the financial industry…
– Also, the copywriter behind some of the biggest financial video promotions in the last few years, responsible for well over $100 million in sales over the last half-decade…
– A couple key conversations with Clayton Makepeace certainly qualify — although we talked more strategy than copy specifics…
– And then my most recent project — the sales letter I’m doing for Boardroom’s upcoming event, The Titans of Direct Response — was critiqued by none other than Dan Kennedy!
Frankly, it’s damn scary to hand your copy off to these guys!
When you do, you should be prepared for them to TEAR IT TO SHREDS! They know what works, and they’re not shy about telling it to you. (Especially when they’re in a position to profit when you’re successful — as many of my mentors have been.)
But then you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get to implementing their suggestions…
And learn as you go.
Getting better and better with each mentorship opportunity (even if it’s a single critique).
And then, you have something happen like what happened with my copy last week.
Dan Kennedy — the man known for “No B.S.” — comes back with almost exclusively tiny line-item crits!
Is my copy perfect? No.
Will the copy I write after 30, 40, 50 years in the industry be perfect? Nope.
But when a veteran like Dan can’t offer up much more than line-item crits to improve your copy, you know you’re doing something right.
Of course, not everybody gets to work on projects that give them access to these high-level copywriters…
Maybe your clients aren’t some of the top copywriters in the biz…
Maybe you run your own business, and because you don’t write for clients you don’t get this kind of access…
Or for whatever reason…
If you don’t buy this time with your labor, it’s worth buying with your dineros…
Just an hour or two of an A-list copywriter’s time looking at your copy will set you back maybe $500…
A fraction of what you should be getting for writing a sales letter, if you’re a freelancer…
A fraction of what your sales letters should be making you, if you’re the business owner…
And yet it can boost your sales tremendously…
For freelancers, upping your royalties, plus giving you the skills to justify higher fees on EVERY project…
OR if you OWN the business, the sales increase can go straight to your bottom line!
I’ve offered LIMITED copy critiques and coaching in the past…
For a while I filled in as copy chief at one of my big clients, helping their entire team of in-house writers churn out better copy…
I’ve worked on a team of some of today’s top financial copywriters, with each of us tearing apart the others’ copy…
I’ve worked one-on-one with writers, including one I recently helped go from startup freelancer to having an “in” with one of the largest financial publishers on the planet…
MOST of my work in this capacity has been in financial… But I also have plenty of experience in business opportunity and marketing copy, some B2B, and especially any market with an ROI component…
(Perry Marshall even asked me to take a look at one of his recent sales letters and give him feedback!)
And especially if you’re in one of these industries, you may want me to take a look at your latest sales copy…
Tear it apart…
Give you specific suggestions…
Show you how to improve that copy — and everything you write after…
July 1, my hourly fee goes up to $250 per hour for this type of one-off work.
Until then you can get TWO hours for $300. (Usually one hour reviewing the copy on my own, another on the phone dissecting it with you.)
Considering the upside of sales copy that works… That’s an absolute bargain…
Email me at [email protected] if you’re interested. Explain your situation. Let me know what you’d like me to review. Send a sample if appropriate.
Time slots for this are LIMITED, and I’ll only take you on if I believe I can help you achieve some real breakthroughs.
And even if you choose not to do this with me today, I encourage you to seek out these kinds of opportunities for one-on-one attention — they are well worth the investment of time/energy/pain/agony/money!
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
Editor, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets