In the last week, Justin Goff and Perry Marshall hit hard with the same message…
First was an email from Justin Goff… About an email he’d received from a wannabe copywriter asking for advice.
Then I did a copy review for Perry Marshall, and the copy — now live in the market — came out of the gates swinging at a certain attitude among wannabe entrepreneurs.
I see this a lot.
The same thing.
It frustrates me, just like it frustrates Justin and Perry.
We each know so many people who “get it” and go on to create the life and business they want.
And simultaneously watch so many other who keep smashing their heads against the same walls, failing again and again, for lack of this one simple lesson.
Take my message in today’s episode to heart — please.
The #1 Secret to Success in Life & Business
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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BTMSinsiders: Streaming Library of Copywriting and Marketing Courses
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