Okay, so I may regret this one…
And yet, I couldn’t help but rant.
This came out of a customer service issue around The Copywriter’s Guide to Getting Paid.
But the true problem may lay many layers deeper. At the level of believing in magic pills. At the level of taking responsibility for your own success and failure.
Your ability to be successful and live a happy life is directly related to you willingness to accept your own responsibility for the situation you’re in today. And especially, being proactive about taking responsibility for everything in your control, including the mistakes you may have made that put you in a situation you’re unhappy with.
If you go through life blaming other people for your misfortunes, you will NEVER be happy or enjoy extraordinary success.
On the other hand, radically taking on responsibility for creating outcomes — including responsibilities that should be taken on by others — has a way of attracting both success and happiness.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr