You need to be the leader…

You need to be the adult in the room…

You need to have an intention of where you want the buyer to go — and you need to setup the system and create the path to get them there.

This is so consistent among people that actually build EXPERT client businesses.

Not the kind of client businesses that are glorified part-time jobs with a bunch of different companies.  (Seriously, is that you?)

But the kind of client businesses where you get RESPECT.

And it’s not just client businesses.

Every time you want the buyer to take a specific action, YOU need to be the one that leads them there…

This has implications in every marketing and selling process.


Sales systems.

Marketing campaigns.

It’s all about leadership.

And it applies to no matter what you’re selling.

You set an intention for the destination.  And you design the process to get there.

Today’s video is a mash-up of ideas…

From Dan Kennedy…

From Jay Abraham’s Strategy of Preeminence…

And from a quote I heard myself say the other day, that was the inspiration for this whole thing.

There’s a lot of juice to be squeezed from this video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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