This isn’t quite a rant…
Because I’m remarkably calm in today’s video…
While I tell you the cold, hard truth: Lazy Marketers Die Broke.
It’s about being lazy…
— Wanting success to come fast, easy, and free…
— Wanting a simple path to success, an easy way to riches…
— Being unwilling to do the hard work…
— Rejecting things because they’re too complex…
— And wanting a magic button that gives you success on a silver platter…
It’s easy to get caught up in all of this…
I’ve caught myself in this delusion many times!
It’s not your fault.
It’s human nature.
We don’t want to work hard.
We want to conserve our energy, effort, and resources.
But we still want the results.
The only problem is, that’s not how the world works.
And if you don’t deal with the world on its terms — if you don’t do marketing in the way that actually works — you won’t get the results.
Crazy story…
Joe Karbo sold “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches” via direct response advertising.
In it, he taught direct response advertising as the lazy way.
And, to a degree, it worked.
But he made a HUGE mistake that led to him enjoying far less success than he could’ve.
And it was because, ironically, to took the lazy way.
I share that story in today’s video, too.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr