As I mentioned in an email last week…

I’m out of office for the week…

I haven’t resigned from my life as a copywriter-entrepreneur…

I’ll be back next week.

This first week of summer is always reserved for family time.

And so while I know a lot of folks in the US aren’t working today, for Memorial Day…

I still wanted to make sure that today and through the week, I share some valuable content with you.

I actually found a really cool report on YouTube, that tells you which content is STICKY…

That is, when someone first finds you through this video, they’re more likely to come back.

Which is a cool way of measuring compelling content.

So I’m using that report to guide which content I share this week, as I’m playing the hits.


The Great Resignation isn’t what you think…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Wanna say “thanks” for this episode?  Buy me a coffee…

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