Have you ever let a client talk you down on fees?
Today I went deep on why you should never negotiate the fee for your expert services.
— Why copywriters, consultants, agencies, and other expert service providers should never, ever let a client negotiate their fee down (and what to do instead).
— Why you’d never negotiate with a top heart surgeon, on the cost of your surgery.
— What it actually means when you raise your new prices.
— What you can offer instead of lower fees on a project.
— Why clients actually ask for lower fees in the first place (and what they really want).
— How you can get clients to feel desperate to pay even your higher fees.
— The one thing that changes the conversation around fees entirely.
— Why sometimes you absolutely need to walk away from your favorite clients.
— A fascinating perspective on what you think are “really high fees.”
— And what the heck one of Dan Kennedy’s top lessons on selling has to do with all of this.
It’s all in today’s video issue of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr