Look at that sexy beast! And Dan’s in the picture, too…
Today’s issue is a bit of a different one. It’s actually an interview with the famous (or infamous!) Doberman Dan…
Today he’s known for a lot of things, but what you might find most fascinating is he’s built and sold not one but two “kitchen table” direct response businesses, and built a successful copywriting career to boot…
He worked directly with the late, great Gary Halbert…
And yet it hasn’t always been all roses — he’s also dealt with the blows of entrepreneurial life, struggling through bankruptcy, cancer (and almost losing his ability to speak), and more…
Plus, he even stripped down to his skivvies once, in front of 300 drunk horny women (and his mom) to raise money for charity!
What a ride!
I’ll link you to the mp3 file so you can listen to the interview in a moment, though first I want to tease you a little bit about what Dan shared…
— “The real lessons came from just being on the street…” What Dan learned about how to get people to do what you want, in high-stress, violent confrontations as an inner-city cop…
— Copywriting lessons from hostage negotiations…
— Depending on who police HQ sent as backup, Dan knew whether a tense standoff would get better or worse — what he learned from how different cops communicate, that he applies in every sales letter he writes…
— The turning point between 9 years of side business failures and finally hitting direct response success… (“I was pissing away my time and money on failed business after failed business, until this…”)
— Lesson from Dan Kennedy: When Doberman Dan bought Magnetic Marketing, he learned a lesson that was NOT taught in the program… But it was this lesson that he used to create his first big direct response success…
— What Dan did to more than double what his customers were willing to pay for his products (very simple to apply!)…
— “That one simple decision 10Xed my sales in a matter of months…” Shockingly simple, here’s why it worked…
— The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches mistake that Dan managed to avoid, and how to apply it to your biz…
— What to do when luck and timing are on your side…
— Goldmine concept that helped Dan multiply his regular revenue stream from his bodybuilding supplement biz…
— The secret process you can use to get on A-list player’s radar — and get them to call you (not just pick up the phone when you call)… This is how Dan first got Gary Halbert to call him.
— The 4 1/2 month house guest — the strange but true story of how Dan ended up hosting Halbert at his home in Costa Rica…
— Halbert’s strange teaching style — why it was “pure, frickin’ genius.”
— Why feeling like a failure DOES NOT mean you’re a bad copywriter… This strange stat reveals how you can fail half the time (or more) and still be a good copywriter…
— “The Phenomenon” — your business grows faster than ever, and you make as much money in a few months than you’ve made in the previous 10 years combined…
— Broke, homeless, and then a business success…
— Lessons from cancer… When two surgeons have told you that you’re going to lose your ability to speak, here’s what you do (and yes, this has business applications)…
— The most embarrassing thing Dan ever did to make money…
— The most important walk-away lessons from the lurid history of Doberman Dan…
— “There is no failure.” How to live a great life, and achieve your greatest successes with this one attitude…
— If I can pull all this stuff off, anybody can (the truth about Dan’s background that should be reassuring to anyone that wants entrepreneurial success)…
The interview was a little over an hour long, and Dan’s governor was definitely off!
While we often spend a lot of time learning business looking at the shiny exterior, front-stage version of different entrepreneurs… It’s rare anyone is willing to pull back the curtain and share the ups and downs the way Dan did — juxtaposing success with failure, hard work with luck’s sweet fortune.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more honest, revealing take on the life of a “kitchen table entrepreneur” than Dan gave.
And there were a few laughs along the way, too.
I was incredibly fortunate to have Dan let me into his world for this, and you should consider yourself fortunate for getting the opportunity to be a fly on the wall for this conversation.
Click here to download and enjoy my interview with Doberman Dan — FREE!
And for more from Doberman Dan, including a report on secret traffic sources you can use to drive more buyers to your website, click here.
Enjoy the interview. Suck all the juice you can from it. And enjoy the weekend!
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
Editor, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets