Hey Rainmaker, today’s email is going to be quick.
My daughter Ramie, my youngest, 18 months old, had to come home from school sick. It’s probably croup, as that’s going around the school right now. She has this horrible, deep cough, that sounds like a sea lion barking. It’s agonizing to see her feeling so helpless, and in such pain.
As you might imagine, I’ve wanted to focus on her today, so I’m not going to write a long email.
Rather, I want to share an amazing video from a gentleman I’ve just recently been introduced to, Alex Charfen.
Alex has been taking massive action to understand how entrepreneurs think, the entrepreneurial journey, and the universal path that leads to greater and greater entrepreneurial success. (After his own entrepreneurial success in real estate and other industries.)
It’s summed up in what he calls The Entrepreneurial Personality Type.
Alex recently did a presentation on this at Joe Polish’s Genius Network.
Regular reader, Jeff Moore, who is President of Wild Things Seafood (consumer) and International Pacific Seafoods (commercial)… And an awesome student and practitioner of marketing… Brought this video to my attention.
If you’ve ever felt like you don’t fit in… Like it just creates pressure and noise to try to get by in the “normal” work world… That you want to get ahead but do it on your own terms…
Well, this video should be enlightening, reaffirming, and perhaps a breakthrough waiting to happen.
Also, check out Alex’s podcast, The Evolutionaries. He goes very deep with entrepreneurs (including Jeff) on their path through this journey, and what they’ve learned and experienced along the way.
Breakthrough stuff…
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
Editor, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets