If you sell investment products long enough, you’ll realize investors make a LOT of mistakes…
The average investor under-performs the market, consistently and persistently.
They buy and sell at the wrong times.
They’re really not good at timing ups and downs.
And professional money managers are really no better.
Even when someone beats the market for a year or two, they invariably end up screwing it all up to the point where they would’ve been better off just buying a low-cost index fund.
As a marketer and copywriter in this field, you learn some things.
About investors — as the fallible human beings they are — and why they keep making the same dumb mistakes.
This is relevant to today’s investment markets, but it’s also relevant to any emotional copywriting in any market or industry.
Deep, dark secrets of an investment copywriter [emotional copywriting]
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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