When you decide to write daily marketing emails, you suddenly have a problem…

How the heck do you write something…

That people are actually going to care to read…

Every…  Freaking…  Day???

That’s the question I got from a new subscriber.

Ester said her challenge is, “writing consistent engaging daily emails or newsletters to my email list.”

That’s what I’m covering in today’s episode.

And here’s the thing…  This can lead to a big email marketing FAIL.

IF you do it wrong…

People on your list get overwhelmed, start to hate you, and unsubscribe in droves.

But there’s a way to do it right, and keep your audience engaged and opening your emails every single day…

Like I’ve done since 2014.

Check out today’s episode for the secret to daily marketing emails that get opened and read…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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