A Copy Chief can be the single-most valuable person on your team…

A good copy chief will spend a little bit of time looking at copy…

Make some suggestions for improvement…

Deliver those suggestions in a way that elevates the game of the copywriter…

PLUS creates an instant transformation that contributes to higher response from the copy.

Creating instant value from their copy reviews and critiques — and ongoing value through elevating the performance of the entire team.

I was flattered recently when one of my coaching clients basically told me he’d hired me to be his copy chief.

But then I realized it’s happened over and over again.

With my clients, for their teams.

With coaching clients.

With my clients, where I brought on my own teams.

And with individual copywriters who were serious about getting better, fast.

In every case, they turned to me to play that role of copy chief…

And I’ve been relentless about not just helping the copy be the best it can be…

But helping the copywriters become the best they can be.

So I was reflecting on this…

The role of a copy chief…

The impact the copy chief can have on the copywriters and the business…

And who needs a copy chief in their corner…

And I decided to create today’s video to share.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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