David Deutsch is one of the greatest copywriters working today…
An A-lister among A-listers.
He has personally written copy that has generated over $1 billion in sales, often $29, $39, $49 at a time.
He came up in the heyday of direct mail, working on sales letter packages and magalogs with many of the biggest direct response marketers in the world…
Especially Boardroom/BottomLine, Rodale, Phillips Publishing brands InvestorPlace and Healthy Directions…
And has worked with more recent giants including Agora, Soundview, Barton Publishing, Holden Hippo’s Beverly Hills, MD, and more.
Now don’t be mistaken here…
While his origins were in direct mail, he is decidedly NOT stuck in the past.
David has continued to have success, year after year, in any media you can use to deliver a sales message — especially text and video sales letters on the internet.
As David once told me, “Roy, I offer clients results. If it takes a limerick to get them results I’ll write a limerick.”
I believe he’s been so WIDELY and WILDLY successful specifically because of this flexibility AND his focus on the thinking BEHIND writing copy and creating successful marketing.
As I’ve often taught, the right principles and strategy can easily be adapted to fit any media and technology. Ultimately we’re still humans selling to humans.
And David is incredibly good at selling to humans.
Which is why I feel so fortunate to be able to share with you today’s episode, my interview with David, on some of the most important lessons we can learn from his $1 billion in copywriting success.
Enjoy my interview with Billion-Dollar Copywriter David Deutsch!
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
– – – Episode Links – – –
Copywriting from A to Z: 26 Ways to Boost Response [Free Gift from David Deutsch]
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