Watch this video right now, then scroll down for today’s lesson…

Can you honestly tell me you DON’T want that paint on your car?

And yet…

As a copywriter, I should be scared!

Because there was almost ZERO ad copy…

Almost ZERO traditional “sales skills” demonstrated…

Almost ZERO selling!

What makes this video such a powerful sales tool?

It’s “the secret!”

If you become a master of understanding and using this “secret” you’ll quickly find yourself among the most effective salespeople on the planet…

In fact, taking just one slice of the marketing and selling world, infomercials, and you’ll find more genius use of this secret than in nearly any other group on the planet…

– Infomercial legend Billy Mays understood it well — as does his partner, Anthony Sullivan…

– George Foreman uses it with every grilling machine he sells…

– James Dyson sold a ton of vacuums via infomercial using this “secret”…

– Ron Popeil is a master…

– Even Richard Simmons!

What is this powerful secret?

It’s the power of proof-through-demonstration

There’s almost nothing in this world that functions as a more powerful sales tool than a simple demonstration.

Why? Because one of your prospect’s biggest objections with any new product or service is…

“Will it work for me?”

An effective demonstration that shows not only that it works, but it’s easy, fast, automatic… Well, it tears down their objections!

Just think about that self-cleaning paint…

They could tell you and tell you that they’d invented a self-cleaning car… And you’d say, “Show me!”

So instead of simply telling you, they demonstrated!

Paint one side with normal paint, the other with self-cleaning paint…

Run the car through a bunch of mud and dirt and grime…

So you can see for yourself the difference it makes!

This is also what makes “before and after” pictures so powerful… But that’s just the start of all its applications!

Great stories and case studies of product use should be created as a demonstration.

Charts of investment performance.

Testimonials and pictures of happy users.

These emails are a form of demonstration of my expertise — if you apply something you’ve learned here (you are IMPLEMENTING, and not just reading for entertainment, aren’t you?)… And it makes you a bundle of moolah… Aren’t you more likely to come back for more?

If you can’t physically pull out your product to demonstrate it, think of other ways you can do it…

The big mail order companies were well-known for “soft offers” on information products… Where you sent away for the product, and were billed later only if you decided to keep it.

Famous Eugene Schwartz headlines said, “Don’t Pay A Penny Until This Course Turns You Into A Human Computer!”

There are countless ways to either demonstrate a product and its effectiveness… Or get your customer to demonstrate it through trial and use…

If you can crack the nut on how to demonstrate your product and its benefits, you will sell FAR MORE than if you rely on any other sales method…

It’s the secret of the free trial.

Of sampling.

This is at the core of effective selling.

So this weekend, for whatever project you’re working on… Whether you’re selling your own products, or doing a promotion for clients…

Take some time out. Think about how you can create a compelling demonstration — even better if it’s visual. Use Nissan’s example for inspiration.

And then try it.

Let me know your results!

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Editor, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets