Got this question from a subscriber…

It’s about perfectionism as a marketer…

As simple as it sounds, I am still trying to figure out the right delivery of the first email message I will send about my new product. I know I have to tie the whole thing to a good story and make it engaging enough.

I am used to helping clients with this but always have a harder time doing the work when the product/service/ask is mine. This time the product is all mine and I am about to start the pre-sales process.

There is always this intense pressure when I feel I am self promoting my services or business. I know I have a great network and I have always been very careful on how I use it but this fear is definitely holding me back it seems.


Here’s my answer…

You will never be perfect.

You don’t need to try to be.

It WILL hold you back.

And you can create success much faster by accepting imperfection.

In fact, there’s only one way to find “perfect” in your marketing, and no amount of hemming and hawing and editing and thinking it over will help you.

I share this — the #1 perfectionism cure for marketers — in today’s video.

I also reveal an easy-to-remember acronym I picked up from David Bullock to help you move through perfectionism into action — and get results — and grow your success.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr