Watch this free 1-hour video now:

Strategic Thinking in a Time of Crisis +
Marketing in a moment of Social Distancing

IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: The Best is Yet to Come…


What is this video?

Every month, I do a training call for the marketers, entrepreneurs, copywriters, consultants, and agency owners who are members of my marketing and entrepreneurship training site, BTMSinsiders.

Because of the current crisis around the coronavirus, I shifted my focus (mostly) away from marketing to how to deal with this crisis on a personal and business level.  At the end of the call, I asked members if they thought I should share the training publicly, and they overwhelmingly agreed that I should.  So here it is.

Here is the original description for this members-only call:

Strategic Thinking in a Time of Crisis

There’s an old saying, once claimed to be (but debunked as) a Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”

These are truly interesting times.

Because of everything going on with the coronavirus, the March Insiders Call will be on the topic of “Strategic Thinking in a Time of Crisis”

The high-level topics we’ll be discussing are:

  • Protecting your mindset and energy
  • Maintaining a future focus
  • What you can and can’t control
  • How strategic CEOs are thinking right now
  • An powerful model for planning your response
  • A simple practice for effective thinking
  • What the world needs from you right now

Plus, you’ll get content on marketing in a moment of social distancing (including what to do if your business is shut down):

  • What all businesses should (and should not) do in their marketing right now
  • Why advertising costs will drop, and what to do about it
  • What people want from your business right now (can you shift or refocus your offer?)
  • The messaging that is working right now
  • What to do if you have a physical business
  • What do to if you have an online business
  • What to do if you have a freelance or client service business

While I would love to just focus on marketing as-if none of this were happening…  It is happening.  It is real.  And it is impacting our lives, our families, and our businesses NOW and will continue to impact us for the foreseeable future.

How you interpret that statement will be a large part of what we cover in this call.  A fear-based response will hurt you and your business.  A strategic response will protect you and perhaps even lead to growth in a time of crisis.

This call will help you have clarity, purpose, vision, and confidence in navigating what is turning into a tumultuous time.  Plus, you may find brand new opportunities that make all the difference between surviving and thriving.

If you are not yet a member, a BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass gets you in for the monthly Insiders Calls plus gives you access to the entire catalog.  

Stay focused on the future.

Take positive actions.

This won’t necessarily be easy, but we will get through it together.

Let’s make our decisions serve our vision of a better future, not from fears and doubts.

The best is yet to come.


Roy Furr

BTMSinsiders membership gives you access to
an entire catalog of training for marketers and entrepreneurs,
click here to browse the catalog and learn more.Â