You’ve probably heard the sales maxim to focus on “What’s In It For Me?”

That is, your prospect doesn’t give a rat’s backside why YOU need the sale, or why you want to sell them something.

They care what THEY get out of it.

They’re always asking, “What’s in it for me?”

What you probably don’t realize is how deep this rabbit hole goes…

“What’s in it for me?” — or WIIFM, for short — isn’t just about that buying decision.

It’s about many more points in the sales process.

And the more times you ask yourself that question, the more powerful it becomes.

In today’s video, I share the thinking behind (WIIFM)3 — “What’s In It For Me?”-CUBED…

How this will help you engage with your prospects far more effectively.

And how it could ultimately lead to geometrically-bigger results.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Mentioned in this video:

How I Learned to Write Long Copy That Sells