Today, another Q&A video!

I know it’s not Monday, but my Mailbox Monday queue is so full and ripe with value potential that I thought I’d answer one of those questions today.

Here’s the question I answer in today’s video


I just read your story in “The Copywriter’s Guide to Getting Paid” about how you got your first freelance client.

Just wanted to ask you something.

It’s great David responded to your email at your first try and you didn’t need to follow up 1, 2 or 3 times like everyone else.

But I would like to ask you, what’s your advice about follow up emails?

I’m asking this because I started cold emailing today.

(Even though I think what you did is not a cold email because you’ve already talked to each other three months ago.)



I have 3+1 hugely valuable insights on follow-up for you.

They’re all in today’s video!

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr